Women ask me daily, how is Team Inspire different from everything else out there? There are so many gyms, fitness programs to choose from. I agree and I had the same questions. What I have found over the past 5 years of working with coaches, different programs, women need customized programs that fits their needs, their schedule and desired outcomes. It's so personal, and one size/one program does fit all. Coaching is my favorite thing to do, besides being a mom and wife. Team Inspire is the one program that offers women a multifaceted approach. Team Inspire offers you all the information you need to be successful with your health and fitness journey.
Team Inspire is our Team, but we reach so many, locally, regionally, nationally and internationally. It's so fun to meet women where they are, where they need support in all time zones.
When you join our team, you will gain the following:
- Access to over 100 online workout programs (600+ workouts) to choose from each day.
- Access to a dedicated fitness coach who wants to learn about you, your struggles, your goals and who will listen and help you attain your goals.
- A dedicated accountability group/the Boot Camp- who becomes your fitness community and doesn’t fall off after the first 3-6 weeks. This is an ongoing fitness program dedicated to you, your fitness goals and creating that mind shift to long term health.
- Some Boot Camps consist of 3-weeks and some 3-months. The good news is, there are so many programs to choose from and with Team Inspire, we have women in all different programs. There is a team here for you to join.
- In your Boot Camps, you will meet your fitness teammates. I personally lead the boot camps where we will train together, learn how to fuel our bodies with proper foods, share stories and build trust among each other. The group becomes your tribe. We are here to support and encourage one another.
- Nutrition, Nutrition, Nutrition- I can't emphasize the importance of nutrition as we age. I will work with you to share HOW to eat, WHEN to eat, WHAT to eat and FREQUENCY of eating. We learn WHY we crave sugar, why we emotionally eat and how to break those cycles. I have NEVER had any other gym or fitness program teach me anything about nutrition.
- Access to the certified professional trainers and nutrition coaches who teach us the tools and give us the resources to get control of our health and fitness. We learn to take control of our food and not let it control us.
- Access to multiple online nutrition resources which include: Cooking Shows, 300+ Recipes, Healthy Snacks for your kiddos, cooking videos, meal prepping and portion control videos all so we can learn how to eat a balanced meal and feel healthy and fueled for the day.
Team Inspire Nutrition Program dives into:
- WHY portion control is important utilizing the portion control containers
- WHY balanced macronutrients are critical at every meal
- WHY protein at every meal matters
- How to overcome Food Addictions
- Timed-nutrition
- Vegan/Vegetarian modifications
- Grocery shopping and lists and how to maneuver the supermarket / what truly is organic
- Meal Prepping- No dieting, no counting calories-eat real foods to fuel your body
- Healthy meals for kids